
30 x 40 cm
6.800 €

Acceptable: Replacement for “you” Unacceptable: Replacement for “yeah” The first definition is correct, because “ya” is actually how a lot of people pronounce “you” in a casual conversation. But using it as “yeah” is incorrect and stupid, because nobody in real life pronounces yeah like “ya”. The only people who type it that way are people under 25 who are trying to be cool and fit in with the rest of their e-buddies and Myspace losers. A lot of them make the excuse that it’s easier to type “ya” than “yeah”. Yeah right. It’s just their way of hiding the fact that they’re trying to be cool and fit in on whatever board/forum they’re posting on. At least things like “orly” and “kthx” are funny……“ya” is not. It’s just dumb.

the number of dicks that Dante’s girlfriend Veronica claims to have sucked in the movie “Clerks”. Dante is highly upset at his revelation as veronica had said she only had sex with three different girls but later explained that she only slept with 3 different guys but that didnt mean she didnt just go with people